Does The City Have A Sound?

Rebecca W Morris
Those Who Were Dancing
6 min readJan 28, 2022


A blurry image of a nighttime scene in Jerez. Trees smeared across the left-hand side and streetlights streaked across the right.
Image by Matteo Delred

On the morning of the 22nd of December 2020, I went for a walk in the centre of Jerez de la Frontera.

Suddenly, from the local bars, high-pitched ghostly voices wafted over the smell of coffee. I was used to strange disturbances in the streets — impromptu flamenco singing, bizarre religious festivals — so I wasn’t surprised. But I was unnerved, and avoiding bars, so I didn’t investigate. I later found out that it…



Rebecca W Morris
Those Who Were Dancing

Art, activism, sound and the body. Editor and Contributor to Medium publication, Those Who Were Dancing.